Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Memorial Memories.

Since this past weekend was Memorial Day weekend I definately did not spend it blogging!! I spent it exactly where I was suppose to be...the lake!! Being on the water means one thing and one thing only....SUMMER!!!! Only, since I am no longer a college student then I no longer get a break so on three day weekends like this one I have to take in every moment I can of the sunshine!!!

Heaven on Earth!!


Since my long weekend has ended......I decided I would show you a little pick me up I did last week!

I purchased this little end table for $6.00 at our local Habitat for Humanity Restore and knew as soon as I saw it that I had just the perfect little spot for it!

 The color and shape it was in just wasn't doing it for me......But it was nothing that a few coats of paint couldnt't fix!!!

I sanded and then painted the table with three coats of a simple grey. This project literally took only about 1 hour since the Alabama heat turned on this past week.

Here is my little end table in its new spot with its new purpose.....Taking away anyone's eyes from Matthew's favorite, comfy chair that I do not love near as much as he does :)

The cute little coasters...a sweet customer of mine hand made them for me! I love them!

I want to spotlight the  set of  books I placed on the table....little may you know that books do not have to be purchased  just to read (although I do pride myself in being a book worm) but books also make great decorations!!!

This set of books I purchased for either $1.00 or $.50 a piece! You cannot beat getting any kind of decoration for that cheap! Do not worry about the title of the books if you are thinking about this idea...Titles do not matter you aren't going to read them remember?!...Try finding books that go with your color scheme or that add just the right pop of color you may need to brighten your room! I have come to realize that Reader's Digest Condensed Books have the cutest patterns on their covers that give that vintage feel that I love to my room!!

Reader's Digest

I hope that all of you had a Great Memorial Day and I want to give a BIG thank you to those of you who are serving or have served our country! Including my Daddy!

Charlie, on the other hand, just wants to wish you all a Good Night!!!


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