Thursday, June 23, 2011

Quick Fix Earring Stand.

Lately I find myself becoming more and more frustrated with the fact that all my earrings are just getting thrown in a pile instead of hung in a particular spot where they are easy to find and where it doesn't take up minutes of my time untangling while I am trying to hurry and get ready in the mornings.

I have been thinking and thinking for weeks on something so simple that I could do to hang all my earrings on and while searching online one day I came across exactly what I needed.
For this project all the supplies you need are:

-Cheese grater (Yes you heard it right)
-Spray Paint
-4 Mug hooks (I call them ceiling hooks)
-4 Wooden Beads
-Hot Glue Gun

Simply spray paint your cheese grater in the any color you choose. I sprayed about 4 coats on the outside and only one on the inside and it took about 15 minutes since it is so hot outside the paint drys very quickly.

After spray painting I simply took my hot glue gun and glued the "mud hooks" facing outward on all four corners of the bottom of the grater.

It does not matter how messy your glue looks as long as it is sturdy since no one will be able to see this part of your jewelry holder.

Next you simply slide on a wood bead (or two) on the hooks. You may glue your hooks also for a better hold however I did not and it seems to work just fine!

This is literally what I like to call a "10 minute, 10 dollar design!" Here is the finished holder!

What did you do that was crafty this week??


1 comment:

  1. Oh man, this is genius. I have been killing my brain trying to figure out how to put legs on a grater for this purpose. (Seen on pinterest.) Great job and it looks so nice. Shew, now I can finally organize my earrings without scratching up the dresser top. Mind if I put your link with the pin?

    Thanks SO much! Beth
