This weekend Matthew and I went with some friends to RiverFest here in Decatur. Some of his friends play in a band called
"The Wheelers" and so we all decided to go watch!

I haven't had the time to do much this week since I have started back to work after my Vacation! But I just wanted to show you all my new look for my blog. I can't keep things the same for starts to look boring. So when change is needed.
Change Happens.
Wedding planning is in full force and I love it.
I am so thankful to have a wedding planner and so many people that want to help with the process.
I am actually not having to do much since this is the case and it is lovely!
This past week my mom, Krystina, Kendra and I went to
Franklin, TN and we purchased my wedding dress.
When they say you usually end up with something that you never imagined you would wear...It is sooo true!!
But I am in love with it!!
I can't wait to marry Matthew this April and to have the time of our lives with our family and friends as we celebrate!
I hope that you all have a great week!!
I plan on actually working on some projects that I have been scheming in my mind!
I can't wait to share!!